  • Hand Surgery

    Hand surgeries are often performed depending on the underlying cause of the problem. A few types of hand surgeries include:

    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    • Tendon repair
    • Nerve repairs
    • Surgical drainage and debridement
    • Joint replacement
  • Nerve Injury

    Nerve injuries are a common phenomenon caused either by blunt trauma due to falling or from traction injuries due to accidents followed by sharp trauma like a direct cut from a knife. Nerve injury treatment involves finding nerve damage or nerve pain and eliminating injured tissue or scar from the nerve endings. In extreme cases, additional procedures are performed to reconstruct or restore lost function.

  • Tendon Transfer

    Tendon transfer surgery may be required in case of loss of muscle function due to nervous system disorder. A few common nervous system disorders treated with tendon transfer include cerebral palsy, stroke, traumatic brain injuries, and spinal muscle atrophy.

  • Liposuction

    Liposuction surgery in Bhubaneswar is performed using a suction technique to eliminate fat from specific body areas like the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, or neck. This fat removal surgery is also referred to as lipoplasty or body contouring. It’s the best weight loss alternative, but you’re more likely to lose weight through diet, exercise, or bariatric procedures.

  • Hypospadias

    Hypospadias is by birth in which the opening of the urethra lies on the underside of the penis rather than the tip. The urethra is responsible for urine drain from the bladder. Hypospadias surgery helps in the restoration of the normal appearance of your kid’s penis. With successful hypospadias treatment, most individuals can witness normal urination and reproduction.

  • Reimplantation Of Amputed Part

    The aim of re-implantation is the successful restoration of function. That is restoring circulation of amputated parts. Replantation of amputated parts can be performed both aesthetically and functionally. Diagnosis of arm, hand, and finger replantation is conditional on the absence of blood supply.

  • Diabetic foot ulcer management

    Diabetic foot ulcers are a grave complication that results in significant doldrums and mortality. DFU management encompasses surgical debridement, dressings to expedite a moist wound surrounding, efflux control, wound-off loading, vascular evaluation, infection, and glycemic control.

  • Fistula Creation

    Fistular creation in Bhubaneswar is a surgical connection made between an artery and a vein. It’s positioned in your arm and if necessary can be created in the leg. The fistula helps in the blood flow from the artery right into the vein, boosting the blood pressure and amount of blood flow through the vein.

  • Varicose Vein

    Varicose veins are swollen, enlarged, twisted veins that appear blue or dark purple in color. They are the result of faulty or damaged valves in the veins that direct inappropriate blood flow. In severe cases, varicose veins need to be eliminated surgically. The varicose veins surgery is performed under local anesthesia. Laser varicose veins treatment is also effective in closing smaller veins.

  • Bed Sore Treatment

    Treatment for bed sores involves reducing pressure on the affected skin, wound caring, managing pain, preventing infection, and maintaining good nutrition levels. For an apt healing process, wounds need to be damage-free, and free of dead and infected tissue. The damaged tissue is gently eliminated by flushing the wound with water or cutting the damaged tissue.

  • Burn Management

    Burn injuries are tissue damage due to heat, chemicals, electricity, radiation, or the sun. first-degree and second-degree burns can be healed with home remedies. A third-degree burn can be life-threatening and may require surgical treatment of burns. Burn treatment depends on the cause and severity and inadequate control may also require reconstructive burn surgery.

  • Post Burn Contracture & Scar Management

    Post burn scars, scar contractures, and other deformities now have aesthetic and functional considerations. Appropriate treatment and post-operative care would cause favorable function and esthetics concerning burn scar treatment.

  • Cancer Reconstruction

    Reconstruction surgery for cancer is often recommended to those who have survived breast, head and neck, colon, small intestine, bladder cancers, etc. Reconstructive surgeons help in enhancing the quality of life among cancer patients. Reconstructive cancer surgery is often performed depending on the type and severity of the condition.

  • Brachial Plexus Surgery

    Surgery for brachial plexus injuries aims at relieving pain and restoring sensation and motor function to your arm, shoulder, and hand. Brachial plexus reconstructive surgeries include the type, location, and severity of nerve injury coupled with your general well-being. Besides, the impact of the injury on your proficiency to work and quality of life.

  • Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck

    Abdominoplasty surgery involves eliminating excess skin and fat from the abdomen. Tummy tuck surgery in Bhubaneswar helps in the tightening of muscles. It’s the best alternative for women who had many pregnancies or anyone who has shed a lot of pounds. It’s a big commitment- emotionally, physically, and financially.

  • Tattoo Removal

    Tattoo removal treatment involves the removal of an unwanted tattoo. Common techniques include laser surgery, surgical removal, or dermabrasion. Want unwanted tattoo removal? Consult a permanent tattoo removal doctor in Bhubaneswar. DIY tattoo removal creams and home remedies won’t be effective and can lead to skin irritation or other allergic reactions.

  • Mole/Wart Removal

    People with weak immune systems are more likely to develop warts and they need medical assistance for removal. However, moles develop due to the growth of melanocytes in a cluster in the skin. Mole removal surgery can be performed through shave excisional biopsy. Moles removal doctors use salicylic acid, cryotherapy, laser treatment, surgery, chemical therapy, antigen shots, and photodynamic therapy to remove warts.

  • Laser Therapy

    Laser treatment includes the use of focused light. Laser therapies enable surgeons to operate at high levels of precisions by emphasizing a petite segment, hence, causing less damage to the adjacent tissues. Laser therapies can be used to shrink or destroy tumors, polyps, or precancerous growths, relieve symptoms of cancer, eliminate kidney stones, etc.

  • Congenital Naevus Removal

    Petite nevi can be removed through a simple surgical excision. The nevus is halved and the adjacent skin is stitched together leaving behind a small scar. However, the elimination of large congenital nevus requires replacing affected skin. In reality, it’s impossible to eliminate every cell of a large nevus, the aim is to eliminate as many cells as possible at the same restoring function and minimizing scarring.

  • Wound Care

    Post-operative wound care is essential to prevent potential complications like surgical site infections and wound dehiscence from developing. Keeping wounds clean, antibiotic treatment, debridement, etc all come under primary care.

  • Body Contouring & Mummy Makeover

    Combine procedures considering postpartum body contouring- an acknowledgment of the abdomen, breasts, and other respective issues. Mostly referred to as ‘mommy makeover,” postpartum body contouring is an amalgamation of abdominoplasty, breast lift surgery, and different procedures to address multiple body areas affected due to pregnancy. Get your hands on the best mummy makeover surgery in Bhubaneswar.

  • Genioplasty

    Genioplasty corrects receding chins, chin misalignment or chin excess. Concerned with the position, shape, or contour of your chin, Genioplasty in Bhubaneswar might be a good option.

  • Cosmetic Minor Skin Surgery

    Cosmetic minor surgery involves the treatment of medically essential and cosmetic skin, nail, and hair conditions through various surgical methods. Cosmetic surgical procedures include:

    • Dermabrasion
    • Eyelid surgery
    • Scar treatments like subcision
    • Hair replacement
    • Liposuction
    • Suction curettage for sweating, etc.
  • Cosmetic Non Surgical Procedures

    These procedures comprise bloodless OPD procedures to boost your confidence and deliver a youthful appearance.

    • Neuromodulators (Botox)
    • Fillers
    • Hyperhidrosis (Excess Sweating)
    • Scare Care
  • Stapler Circumcision

    Stapler circumcision is an ultra-modern surgical procedure to eliminate the foreskin covering the tip of the penis. Stapler circumcision in Bhubaneswar is performed with an advanced circumcision device called the circular ZSR.